A Constant Supply

“Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

Confession: I am not a morning person. I wish I could say I was one of those people who set an alarm to get up an hour early to spend time with the Lord. I am not that person. I just can’t do it. I think God understands. He knows me better than I know myself. But I do set my alarm to pray. Mine just goes off later in the day. 

Eight PM is “prime time” for me. Every day when my alarm (or reminder) goes off, I pause and pray about the things in life that are pressing. I may pray at other times throughout the day, but I am always seeking the Lord at the eight o’clock hour. I have even invited others to join me in specific prayers at specific times during the day. 

I set my reminder not because I am so spiritual, but because I am so weak. 1 Chronicles reminds me to search for His strength, to continually seek the Lord. I’m very human. Without a reminder, I might just blow through my day only to find I am too tired for quality time with the Lord at the end of it. I desperately need God’s strength just to survive life’s never-ending storms. Every day I seek Him. Every day, He supplies the strength I need.


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