A New Heart

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“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” Ezekiel 36:26

Born in Puerto Rico to a witch and a satanic priest, Nicky Cruz was physically and emotionally abused as a child. In Nicky’s words, he became hateful and hard. When he was 15 years old, he left Puerto Rico and went to New York where he became a cold-blooded, vicious gang leader. If anyone could be described as having a stony, stubborn heart, it was Nicky Cruz. 

Shortly after Cruz became a gang leader, he encountered David Wilkerson, who was preaching in his neighborhood. When Wilkerson told him that Jesus loved him and would never stop loving him, Nicky slapped him and threatened to kill him. Threatened with his life, David Wilkerson spoke these words to Nicky Cruz, “You can kill me and cut me into a thousand pieces and throw me on the sidewalk, but remember that every little piece will cry out, ‘Jesus loves you.’”

God took the stony heart of Nicky Cruz and gave him a new heart—a tender, responsive heart. Later Nicky and some gang members who also came to Christ went to the police and turned in all of their bricks, handguns, and knives, shocking the police in the station. Nicky went on to attend bible college and become a preacher. He later returned to his old neighborhood, where he preached. More of his old gang members, including their new leader, came to Christ. Since the day he first encountered Christ on the streets of New York, Nicky Cruz has preached the gospel to over 40 million people. His simple message is this: “If Jesus can change Nicky Cruz. He can change you.”

Maybe your story isn’t as dramatic as that of Nicky Cruz, but every child of God first came to Him with a stony, stubborn heart. If you will give your stony, stubborn heart to God, He will change you the way he did Nicky Cruz. He will put his Spirit in you and give you a new, tender, responsive heart.


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