A Quiet Lullaby

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

One of the most memorable things about being the mother of a newborn is holding this tiny little human in your arms and watching them drift off to sleep. I would delight in those quiet moments when I could cradle my baby girls in my arms and look upon their beautiful faces. Many times there would be an entire fist wrapped around my little finger - such small hands. Sometimes I would sing a quiet lullaby over them. I still remember that feeling of deeply connected love and wonder as I rocked my baby girls to sleep, no matter how fussy or upset they were. There just seems to be something about the love of a parent that calms all fear.

When I think about this verse in Zephaniah, I remember all the times that God has calmed all my fears. Still, I wonder if He looks upon me the way I looked upon my sweet little girls. I have known God as a mighty savior. I have sensed His presence in my life, but the part I can hardly fathom is that the God of heaven, Creator of the universe, takes delight in me with gladness. And not only that, He rejoices over me with joyful songs.

Perhaps if I listen close enough, I will hear the Lord, my God, singing a quiet lullaby over me as He holds me in His arms.


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