A Work In Progress

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6

I’d like to say that I have learned to play the piano. I have been playing the piano for over 25 years, but do you ever really finish learning? It seems there is always something new to learn when it comes to music. Each time I master a new skill, it seems there is one I have yet to master. Playing a musical instrument is a work in progress. Maybe I’m just a slow learner, but I know for sure that I have not completed my musical journey. 

It’s kind of that way with God’s people. We are a work in progress. Every day I am growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Every day I am striving to become more like Him in thought, word, and deed. But let’s face it, I’m not there yet. And if you are perfectly honest, neither are you. That’s why I love what Paul says in Philippians 1:6. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he writes, “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

As believers in Christ, we are free from the penalty of sin, but we are plagued daily by the temptation of sin. We long to be transformed into the image of Christ, but there is no transformation without trials. And so we trudge on. Each time we master one thing, there is something else that we have yet to master. 

We have confident hope in our salvation since we were saved by grace through faith, but the work of being conformed to His image will continue until it is finally finished on the day He returns.


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