Bringing Honor to His Name

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“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Psalm 23:3

The twenty-third Psalm is one of the most beloved metaphors of all times. Its descriptive language poignantly portrays God as a shepherd and us as his beloved sheep. Psalm twenty-three takes something ordinary and uses it to show how extraordinary God is. No one understood the job of a shepherd better than its author, King David, who was himself a shepherd from a very young age. No one was better qualified to pen this beautiful Psalm than a shepherd who had spent many solitary days and lonely nights away from his family to protect the flock.

In verse 3 David says, “He guides me along the right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Being a shepherd was not a glorified occupation and sheep are among the most difficult of all creatures to lead. The job of the shepherd was to keep the sheep safe and well-fed. He would need to guide them along right paths to make sure they would thrive. When the sheep were obedient, the shepherd was well pleased. 

Like sheep, God’s desire is to lead you and me along the right paths of life. He has given us his Word to guide us and make certain that we stay on course. He has given us His Spirit within us to bear witness to the truth. We would do well to obediently follow his leading. 

The Good Shepherd knows what is best for us. God the Father is honored when people do what pleases him. Follow the Good Shepherd as he leads you by his Word and by his Spirit along the right paths of life and you will bring honor to his name.


Doing Our Part


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