All In

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13

My oldest daughter and her husband moved to Thailand about a year ago to become a full-time missionaries in my son-in-law’s home village. They now lives thirteen hours into the future and four airplane rides away. I’m hoping they comes home to visit often. It’s not that I don’t want to visit Thailand. I would love nothing more. It’s those airplane rides that are giving me trouble. 

I’ve never cared much for flying. (One of those flights is 16 hours long.) I can reasonably last about three hours in an airplane, then I am ready to personally ask the pilot if he wouldn’t mind landing the thing and letting me off. But I know that’s not going to happen. When you get on an airplane, you are making a commitment. 

There are two kinds of commitments in life. One is a commitment in which you agree to go through with something, even though your heart really isn’t in it. I am halfheartedly committed when it comes to flying. I will get on an airplane, but I have to admit that my heart is not in it. I’m only doing it because I have to if I want to get where I am going in a timely matter.

The other type of commitment is one that says, “I’m all in.” You are committed to the process with complete sincerity. You are excited to be there. This is a wholehearted commitment.

God says in Jeremiah 29, If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. Some of us are halfhearted followers of God. We wonder why we can’t see God moving in our lives, but God says, “You want to find me? Look for me with all your heart.” Make a wholehearted commitment to follow Christ and you will find him. If you really want to find God, don’t be like me on an airplane. You will find him when you are all in. 




It Is Well