Called to Tell

“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.’” Mark 16:15

I still clearly remember the moment in which I sensed a definitive calling to preach God’s Word. I also remember the list of reasons why I was sure that God had called the wrong number. At that moment in my life, I felt as if the task of declaring God’s word to people who may otherwise have not heard it was just too great of a responsibility for a simple housewife and mother like me. What I didn’t take into consideration was that the call to declare the Good News of the gospel was not only for a select few. Jesus told all his disciples to tell everyone the good news. This is the basic calling and responsibility of everyone who puts their faith in Christ. 

While trying to sort out this idea of being “called,” I spoke with a friend of mine who happened to be a pastor. He looked at me and said, “It’s like this: I’m just one beggar trying to show another beggar where to find bread.” For me, it stripped back the fear and the fanfare of being called by God. 

As God’s children, we have the answer to the pain and suffering in the world. The good news is that Jesus did for us what we could never do for ourselves. He paid the price. He took the punishment. He rose from the dead. He deserves the glory. That’s good news. 

Now go tell somebody. 


Foot Washing


No One Else