Comfort and Protection

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Psalm 23, also known as the shepherd’s psalm, is perhaps the most widely known passage in scripture. It’s a beautifully written metaphor in which David compares himself to a sheep and God a shepherd. Like a good shepherd, God provides everything needed for the safety and well being of his sheep. We need not fear, even in the darkest times, for he is close beside us. 

Among the shepherd’s modest tools of the trade was a small club, or rod, used to drive away any predators that would try to attack the sheep. The rod is symbolic of the shepherd’s protection. We can take comfort knowing that our Shepherd is prepared to fight on our behalf when evil preys on us. His rod protects us. 

The staff was a long walking stick with a crook at the end. The crook was used to reign in wandering sheep. The shepherd’s staff would keep a sheep from falling off a cliff, getting lost or wandering into danger. It’s comforting to know that when we are about to wander into danger, the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit is like the “staff” that reins us back to safety. His staff comforts us. 

Like the sheep in David’s psalm, sometimes we find ourselves in dark valleys. But no matter how dark the valley gets, Jesus, our Good Shepherd, always has our best interests in mind. We need not be afraid because he is always close by and always ready to protect and comfort us and to lead us to safety.  


Obligated to Love


The Real Thing