
No Sunday Saints (1).png

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Nobody knows like somebody who knows. In other words, someone who has been in your situation is more likely to understand what you are going through. After nine years of infertility and one miscarriage, my husband and I finally gave birth to our first daughter. I remember being in the midst of the infertility battle and feeling so alone. People didn’t know what to say or how to relate to what I was going through. Other women were planning when to have their next child while I remained childless. Mother’s Day was the most dreaded day of the year for me. Even well-meaning fellow Christians would say things like, “You should just get involved in children’s ministry.” While I do love children’s ministry, being a children’s pastor is not the same as being a mother. 

But amid my struggle, God brought someone into my life who knew exactly what I was going through. She too had battled infertility and loss. Finally, someone I could talk to who could say, “I know exactly how you feel.” And she really did. Although neither one of us had children yet, we were able to pray for each other and give one another the comfort God was giving us. She ministered to me more during that time than I think she will ever know. 

And God answered our prayers. We both had miracle baby girls that were born within six months of each other. God blessed me with a second daughter and her with two daughters and a son. 

We were able to help each other because God was the source of our comfort. God will use you to comfort others when they are troubled if you will make yourself available. He will comfort others through you with the same comfort that he has given you. And I promise you, the comfort you give others will minister to them more than you will ever know. 


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Godly Sorrow