Faith Like an Ox

“Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.” Proverbs 14:4

When I was a young teenager, it was my job to clean the barn. Before you feel go to feeling sorry for me, you have to understand that I did have a choice. On the other side of that coin was mopping floors and dusting furniture. I was the type of kid that would rather grab a pitchfork and shovel and clean out horse stalls than mop a floor or run a dust rag over Mom’s knickknacks and fine china. My horses were everything to me. But for all the benefits a horse provides, there is a mess that has to be tended to.

The writer of Proverbs understood this. Although the strength of an ox may bring many crops, the ox himself brings a mess. You might have a nice clean stable if you didn’t have any oxen, but your family would suffer come harvest time. Growth and progress are seldom tidy affairs.

Growing in our relationship with God can even get messy at times. God may require you to clean up a few things. You may be tempted to give in or give up when problems or persecutions arise because of your faith. But don't lose heart. Stand your ground. Grab a pitchfork and a shovel. It might get messy, but faith is like a strong ox. Place your trust in God to carry you as you trudge on. Who knows? The harvest may be just over the next hill.


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