Faithful in the Little Things

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“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10

I often use the self-check-out at the local grocery store. Not too long ago, I had checked out my groceries, bagged everything, and headed out to my car as usual. It wasn’t until I was putting the last item in the car that I noticed something in the shopping cart that I had not paid for. I was already running later than I had hoped, but I locked my car and walked back into the store to pay for the item. The cashier who supervises the self-check-out area saw me coming back in, so I explained to her what had happened. 

Integrity is doing the same thing when no one is watching that you would do if someone was. God is always watching and testing our integrity. Jesus teaches that if we are faithful in the little things, we will be faithful in the large ones. If you are faithful to lead a few, God can trust you to lead many. If you are faithful to care for your family, God can trust you to care for the nations.

What we do when no one is watching reveals a great deal about our character and trustworthiness. What we do with a little reveals a great deal about what we will do with much. You can be trusted with big things if you show that you can be trusted with the little things.


The Main Ingredient

