Fountains of Salvation

“With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the Lord! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! Make known his praise around the world.” Isaiah 12:3-5

The nation of Israel meandered through the wilderness for forty years on their journey to the promised land. One of their biggest concerns was where they would find water. At one point, they were so thirsty that they were ready to stone Moses for leading them into the wilderness without water to drink. But God provided water from a rock (of all places). Moses struck the rock and a fountain of water flowed out — a fountain plentiful enough to quench the thirst of a nation of more than a million people, plus all their livestock (Exodus 17).

All along their journey through the desert, God repeatedly quenched the thirst of the nation of Israel. Whether it was water from a rock or from bitter water made sweet, for 40 years Israel drank deeply from the fountains that God provided. These “fountains of salvation” sustained Israel during their difficult journey through the desert.

Sometimes you and I find ourselves meandering through the wilderness of life. We become tired and thirsty and desperately need to drink from the fountain of salvation. As with the children of Israel, God provides for us in these dry, thirsty times. Sometimes His fountain of salvation comes from time spent in his Word. Sometimes it comes from a timely word spoken by someone in our lives. We may drink from the fountain of salvation by meeting with God in prayer or through fellowship with other believers. Like the nation of Israel, we can give thanks, sing praises to His name and make Him known among the nations because God always sustains his children.


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