God of the Impossible

“Who is the King of glory? The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—he is the King of glory.” Psalm 24:10

I hate to admit this, but sometimes I get so comfortable with God that I forget how incredibly powerful He is. Thank goodness I have His Word to remind me! God is not just the one who saves, heals and delivers—although these are powerful attributes—He is the King of glory, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 

A Hebrew woman named Hannah used this name for God (the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, or Jehovah Sabaoth in Hebrew) when she called on Him in 1 Samuel 3. Hannah appeals to God as a warrior and commander of warring armies in the heavenly realm as she pleads for Him to give her a son. This was a bold prayer. Hannah understood nothing is impossible with God.

I have to wonder, do we believe as Hannah did, that God is the God of the impossible? Does our prayer life reflect that belief? What bold prayers have you prayed lately? What impossible things have you asked God for? What insurmountable burdens do you need to lay at His feet?

Hannah’s boldness did not offend God. He gave her a son, Samuel, whose name means “heard by God.” I challenge you to boldly call on Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of heaven’s armies, the king of glory. He hears you and He is still the God of the impossible.


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