Not My Battle

“The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:14

Israel, God’s chosen nation, didn’t know how to fight. They had been slaves in Egypt for 430 years when God delivered them and led them into the wilderness. Soon they found themselves stuck between an army and the sea with no army of their own, but God said, “Stay calm. This isn’t your battle.” God Himself would fight for them. Time and time again throughout scripture we see God fighting on behalf of His people. God tells Joshua “It is the Lord your God who fights for you.” When king Jehoshaphat finds himself outnumbered, the Lord says to him, “the battle is not yours but God’s.” 

You and I find ourselves in battles as well. We battle unseen enemies of fear, depression, anxiety, vain imaginations, worry and more. We battle physical problems and circumstances. Sometimes we feel that we are outnumbered, that our circumstances are insurmountable, but God is with us just as He was with His people long ago. And He is still fighting our battles. 

The next time you are tempted to worry or feel anxious, say to yourself, “This is not my battle.” The next time problems arise that cause you to feel overwhelmed, say to yourself. “This is not my battle.” Then turn to the One who fights for you and put your faith and trust in Him. When you turn your battles over to the Lord, you will find rest and the peace your soul is longing for. Remember that the battle is not yours and the Lord Himself will fight for you.  


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