He Heals the Brokenhearted

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. Psalm 157:3

Healing is a process. It can happen quickly, but it often takes time. And it usually requires our cooperation. When I tore a ligament in my foot my doctor prescribed that I stay completely off of it for a week. It was a very long week, but my cooperation helped speed up the healing process.

God heals the brokenhearted. Sometimes his healing happens quickly, but often it takes time. It’s a process. Cooperating with God can expedite our emotional healing. Maybe our cooperation requires forgiveness or extending grace to others. Those who are brokenhearted often feel like they have nothing to offer others, but God takes those broken things in our lives and uses them to help others who have had similar experiences. Nobody knows like somebody who has been there. Your life experiences, even the difficult ones, may be the very bandages that God will use to help heal the wounds of others.


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