He is in the Waiting

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“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

Whenever I know that I am going to have to wait, I bring something to do. Perhaps it’s due to my short attention span, but I’m not very good at waiting. Twice in Psalm 27, the Bible tells us to wait patiently for the Lord. We are not only instructed to wait but to wait patiently. 

Technology has revolutionized the world so that patience is no longer even necessary. We have gadgets that cook our food faster than ever. We get agitated if we have to wait longer than 5 minutes for a fast-food restaurant to cook us an entire meal. Technology has brought the entire world to our fingertips via the internet. We don’t have to wait for news, it’s on our smartphones as soon as it happens.

But sometimes God requires us to wait. Our lack of willingness to wait, however, does not move God to act any faster. Waiting has its benefits. Sometimes I think that if God had blessed me with what I asked Him for when I first asked for it, I would not have been prepared to carry the responsibility of the blessing. I have waited years for some things to come to pass and for some things, I am still waiting. 

Whatever it is you are waiting for from the Lord, do it patiently. Bring something to do while you wait. Pray while you wait. Worship while you wait. Serve others while you wait. 

Don’t allow your heart to be discouraged. Stay focused. Be brave and courageous. God has not forgotten you. He is in the waiting.


God is There


My Shelter