Honor Each Other

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Romans 12:10

I grew up in Minnesota, where snow is synonymous with winter. But I have lived in the South for my entire adult life, where snow is more like a winter guest. When it shows up, we gather around our windows and watch in awe as it drifts and floats to the ground. In the South, we respect snow (and even fear it a little). A snow day is a good time to reflect on the majesty of a God who created all those little sparkly frozen crystals. He could have made snowflakes all the same and we would have been none the wiser, but snowflakes are as individual as the people made in the image of God.  

Paul tells us in Romans that we should take delight in honoring each other. We should celebrate the uniqueness of those whom God has created. God could have made us all the same and we would have been none the wiser, but we are all uniquely different. And we can love each other with genuine affection despite our differences. 

Take some time this week to intentionally honor someone. Give a compliment, help someone solve a problem, bring someone a meal or a coffee, pray for them, or maybe just take time to listen. Take delight in honoring each other, for when you honor others, you honor the one in whose image they are made. 


Loved You First


For Love’s Sake