In His Time

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalm 37:4

Many people have stumbled over this verse. Perhaps even you have stumbled over it. At first glance it seems as if God is giving those who delight in Him carte blanche. Delight in the Lord and the sky’s the limit. But is that what this verse really means? When studying scripture, always consider the context of the verse and whether your interpretation of the verse aligns with what the Bible teaches.

Let’s consider the context. Psalm 37 begins with these words. “Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.” Throughout history, wicked people have enjoyed prosperity, while righteous people have suffered need. King David, the author of Psalm 37, observed this in his day as well. He understood that life is not fair. 

So David says, “Take delight in the Lord.” To “take delight” means to remain pliable. David was saying, “Don’t become hardened by the prosperity of the wicked, but rather be pliable in God’s hands so that He can mold you into His image.” Of the wicked, David writes, “For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither.”

The wicked will be punished. Justice will be done, but God will never abandon the godly.

The righteous will receive an eternal inheritance. God will be faithful to sustain, protect, and provide for those who delight in Him, who are pliable in His hands. 

What was true in David’s time is still true today. Many hearts desire to see God’s justice. David wrote this psalm to encourage God’s people to look past the temporary and see that evil never prevails. “Put your hope in the Lord, he says.” God’s justice will be carried out in His time. 


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