No Sunday Saints

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” Colossians 3:16

People often see religion and even Christianity as something we do on Sunday. But Christianity is not about a Sunday service. It’s about a life transformed. Before I encountered the God of the Bible, I was a Sunday Christian. I did and said all the things a good Christian girl was expected to do and say. I was alive on the outside, but on the inside I was lifeless, hoping there was more than I was experiencing. Thank God, there was. 

One Sunday morning, after hearing a message on the Pharisee named Nicodemus, I laid it all on the line. I committed my heart and life to Christ when I realized he loved me, as messed up and broken as I was. I didn’t join a religion that morning; I let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill my life. And his message has been filling my life every day since.

The message of Christ is not one of do’s and don’ts. The wisdom He gives will equip you to live life to the fullest. No wonder Paul says we are to teach and counsel each other with his wisdom. And though Paul encourages Christ-followers to sing psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts, his encouragement isn’t necessary. A life that God has transformed will naturally be filled with such praise and thankfulness.


God Bless You


New Strength