Keeping a Secret

“But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Matthew 6:3

When I was a young Christian, the ladies in my church had secret sisters. In the secret sister society all the participants would put their names in a hat. Then each one would draw out the name of who their secret sister would be. For the next several months there would be notes, cards and surprises exchanged by these ladies, all while keeping their identities a secret. Having a secret sister is a fun way to encourage someone, but eventually the secret sisters would be revealed.

In his sermon on the mount, Jesus teaches about keeping a secret when giving to those in need. Those who drew attention to their acts of charity were considered by Jesus to be self serving hypocrites. “Don’t be like them,” He said. “The attention they get will be all the reward they will ever receive.” Jesus tells us, instead, to give so secretly that if it were possible, your left hand wouldn’t even know what your right hand is doing. This kind of giving pleases the Lord. And the God who sees in secret will reward you openly.


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