A Warning

“Since we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe. “ Hebrews 12:28

When the tornado sirens go off in our city, my family jumps into action, gathering our pets and putting them in their crates before taking shelter in our safe place. Thankfully, we’ve never had a tornado touch down close to us, but we are grateful for the warning.

All over the world earthquakes, famine, wars, and rumors of war are taking place. The kingdoms of this earth are being shaken. The Bible calls this “labor pains.” These labor pains are a warning that a greater shaking is coming. Some day there will be an end to earth as we know it. Most of us cannot begin to conceive the magnitude of the shaking that is coming. In that day there will be nothing left to stand on except that which is in our hearts.

God is giving us a warning, an opportunity to take shelter in our safe place. Even though the kingdoms of earth are being shaken and will one day pass away, we have been given an unshakable kingdom that will never pass away. The unshakable kingdom is the ground we will stand on when all else ceases to exist.

Now is the time to humble yourself like a little child and receive the gift of God offered through his Son, Jesus Christ. Trust in God and receive, by faith, forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life—a kingdom that cannot be shaken. And then, thank God for the warning.


New Strength


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