Let Peace Rule

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” - Colossians 3:15

Remember English class when you had to diagram sentences? Most of you cringed when I said that. I was one of those nerdy kids who (don’t hate me) actually enjoyed diagraming a sentence. It’s weird, I know. But when I look at a sentence, I sometimes like to mentally strip away all the modifiers and identify the central idea that the writer is trying to convey. 

When I look at Colossians 3:15, I immediately see that Paul is saying, “Let peace rule.” Yes, it is the peace that comes from Christ and rules in our hearts, but don’t miss the simple, yet emphatic message here. Paul is urging us to allow the peace of God to rule, to act as an umpire, to arbitrate, and to settle the disputes of our hearts. 

When I was learning to drive, my older brother taught me one basic rule: when in doubt, don’t. If you are praying about something, but don’t have peace, then keep praying. Ask God for the peace of Christ to act as your umpire. Let his peace settle the dispute of your heart before moving forward.


Don’t Throw Away the Instructions


A Gentle Answer