Live By Believing

“For we live by believing and not by seeing.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

In Numbers 13, the Lord tells Moses, “Send out men to explore the land of Canaan, the land I am giving to the Israelites.” So Moses sent twelve men, one from each of the tribes of Israel. What they found there was remarkable. Those who were sent reported a bountiful country—a land flowing with milk and honey. But when Caleb suggested they go up and take the land, you would have thought that World War III had just broke out. It got so bad that the people wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb for even suggesting such a notion.

The people of Israel lived by seeing. They saw the bounty, but they also saw the giants. They knew that in their own strength, they could not overpower them. But God never intended for Israel to overpower them in their own strength. He referred to Canaan as “the land I am giving to the Israelites” not “the land they can have if they are able to overcome the giants.” 

God wanted his people to live by believing and not by seeing and he wants no less from you and me. God had made a promise to Israel to give them the land and He would go good on that promise if Israel could only believe. When Israel refused to walk by faith, God said, “How long will these people treat me with contempt?” 

Do we treat God with contempt when we refuse to live by faith? God has given us everything we need to live a godly life. He has given us great and precious promises. We can live as He designed and desires for us to live when we live by believing and not by seeing. 


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