My Redeemer Lives

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“But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.” Job 19:25

Job lost his servants, his sheep, his camels, his sons and daughters, his health, and even his will to live. Despite all his calamity, Job never failed to see God’s great majesty and power. Job refused to allow his circumstances to distort his view of God.

How many times has difficulty come into our lives only to find us questioning the grace and mercy of God? The book of Job gives us a Biblical point of reference. Not only did he lose all of his children, his grief-stricken wife suggested perhaps he should just curse God and die. I mean, why try to reason? What do you have left, Job? But Job understood that faith is not about temporary circumstances. Job understood that God’s sovereign plan is so much bigger than our narrow perspective. 

When I was twelve years old, my dad was in a car accident that took his life. That single event altered the course of my life completely. Because of the great loss, my grieving mother packed up the family and moved us four states south to what I was sure at the time was a God-forsaken land. I was angry, troubled, confused, and running very low on hope for the future. But because of that radical life change, I ended up meeting my husband and through him and his family coming to know the Lord. If you had told me when I was twelve that God was going to use my circumstances to redeem my life, I would have considered your suggestion rude and insensitive, but God is our Redeemer. The Bible says, “He makes all things new.” He can take what is meant for evil and use it for good. 

Even in his suffering, Job proclaimed, “Though He slay me, yet will I praise Him” because in his heart of hearts he knew that his Redeemer lives. Job’s faith takes things one step further concerning the incarnation and culmination of all things when he boldly proclaims, “He will stand upon the earth at last.”

No matter how grim your circumstances, remember that your Redeemer lives. Your life and circumstances do not go unnoticed by Him. Justice is in his hands. And He will stand upon the earth at last. 


No Small Thing


If We Confess