No Plan B

“The Lord will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” Psalm 138:8

I’m not a planner. I wish I could be, but I’m just not. What I am is a planner-wanna-be. I like things to be organized, but they seldom are. I like to be on time, but I’m often late. I like having a plan, but I’m not good at making one. And when I do come up with what I think is a good plan, I often find myself asking the question, “What does my Plan B look like?’

Do you ever wonder if God has a Plan B? I think all God’s plans are Plan A. Joseph had a dream that His brothers would all bow down to him. This was God’s Plan A for Joseph. But soon Joseph found himself thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused, imprisoned, and forgotten. Years passed. Surely Joseph felt abandoned. Surely he questioned God’s plan for his life. I know I would have.

Psalm 33:11 says, “The Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.”

In the end, Joseph’s brothers did bow down to him. And there was forgiveness and genuine love in Joseph’s heart for them. Through every trial, the Lord was working out his plans for Joseph’s life. Perhaps the circumstances in your life make you feel like God has forgotten about you. Maybe you feel abandoned. Don’t lose heart. God will work out His plans for you. He has not abandoned you. He doesn’t have a Plan B. His faithful love endures forever.


Too Great a Price?


Character: The Other Heart Muscle