No Problem too Big (Or too Small)

“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!” Jeremiah 32:17

Nothing is too hard for God. If God can breathe and stars appear (Psalm 33:6), what is it about our problems that seem too big for Him? Are the problems in our lives too big for God? Or do we just think they are too big? Perhaps we think they’re too small? Maybe you hit your knees when the doctor says cancer, but what if you can’t find your keys?

One night I lost my keys at church. I was the last one to leave. I was about to lock up when I realized I didn’t know where I had left my keys. Not only that, there was a big storm coming, and I really needed to get home before it hit. While I was frantically looking for my keys, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, so I dismissed it and kept on looking. It rang again. And a few minutes later, a third time. I decided I had better talk to whoever it was, if for no other reason than to get them to stop calling me.

When I answered the phone, I was surprised to hear the voice of one of my long-time friends. We hardly ever talk on the phone and she was calling from a different number. I sensed an urgency in her voice. “I was praying,” she said, “And I felt like the Lord wanted me to call you. Is everything okay?” 

“I can’t find my keys!” I told her, “and I need you to pray.” I remembered several times when she had lost something and asked God to help her find it. To my friend, nothing is too big or too small to ask God for. On more than one occasion, she had prayed and found a lost set of keys. She agreed to pray, and we hung up the phone. No sooner than I had ended the call than I knew exactly where I had left the keys! I went straight to the spot, and there they were.  

I learned that day that God cares about the things that are important to me. He made the heavens and the earth by His strong and powerful arm. He breathed and stars appeared. He prompted a friend to call me and pray for a lost set of keys. Nothing is too hard for God - not the big things, and not even the small things.


How to Live


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