No Worries

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?” Matthew 6:25 

Worry is something I’m sure we are all familiar with. Worrying can make us feel like we have control over the uncontrollable. According to researchers at the University of Cincinnati, only about 15% of what we worry about actually ever comes to pass. That means that 85% of what you are worrying about right now is never going to happen. What would the quality of your life be like if you could get back that 85% of time you spent worrying?

Despite what you might think, worrying is not a way we prepare ourselves for things that might happen. Have you ever worried about a loved one passing away and then felt like you were more prepared for it when it happened? No. Worry does not prepare us for bad things. It robs our lives of good things. It affects our health and mental wellbeing. 

In Matthew 6:25, you can clearly see that worrying about everyday life is not good way to invest your time. There is more to life than food, drink, or clothing. God is a good Father. He feeds the birds and clothes the wildflowers. He will certainly care for you. 

So maybe you should take worry off your to-do list and just enjoy God's provision. Seek His kingdom above all else and live right. He will give you everything you need. No worries. 


Loving Your Neighbor


A Good, Good Father