Open Concept?

No Sunday Saints (1).png

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139:23-24

I heard someone talking on the radio about the idea of open-concept bathrooms today. I thought to myself, “Is that really a thing?” So I did what you would do. I googled it. The idea is basically a bedroom and bathroom all in one big open area. No privacy whatsoever. Just wide open spaces. I am tempted to insert the flushed face emoji right now (you know, the smiley face with the big eyes?). I googled that too. I didn’t know it was called the “flushed” face. Seems appropriate given the subject matter. But I digress. 

While I can get on board with open-concept kitchens and living rooms, there are places where transparency is not such a good thing. Transparency with God is not only a good thing, it’s a necessary thing to keep our relationship with him moving in the right direction. We have nothing to hide from God because nothing can be hidden. 

When we come to him and confess our sins, we are like the toddler who just scribbled all over the wall and is still holding the crayon. Dad knows exactly what you have done, but he still asks, “What did you do?” He’s not just looking for a confession, he wants to take you in his arms, lovingly correct you, and lead you in the right direction. 

David, who is known as a man after God’s own heart, was transparent before him. His prayer in Psalm 139 is, “Search me. Test me. Confront me. And Lead me.” David, king of Israel, struggled with temptation and sin like everyone else. But David’s heart had become an open concept in the presence of God.  

Let your heart become an open concept before God. Boldly ask him to point out anything in you that offends him. Give God permission to search you, test you, and confront you. And He will lead you along the path of everlasting life.


Your Life has Purpose

