Perfect Peace

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3

When a word appears twice in the Hebrew text it is often there for emphasis. It’s sort of like putting an exclamation point on it. Such is the case in Isaiah 6:3, “Holy, holy is the Lord of heaven’s armies.” In Isaiah 26:3, the Hebrew word for peace (shalom) also appears twice in the original text. Perfect peace, then, would literally read “shalom, shalom” or “peace, peace.” The repeating of the word peace in this situation indicates peace occurring in greater measure. The translators chose to use the words perfect peace to more adequately describe this kind of peace.

In other words, those who trust in the Lord, whose thoughts are fixed on Him will experience peace in greater measure. If you want to walk in the most peace you can experience, trust in the Lord. Fix your thoughts on him. Perfect peace is not tainted by life’s storms. Perfect peace actually grows deeper with the challenges and trials of life.


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