My Redeemer

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

We live in such a messed up, fallen world. I don’t have to tell you about riots, robberies and murders for you to get the idea. You know. You’ve seen the evening news. It seems there is so much disharmony amongst humanity, but that was never God’s design. You and I were designed to walk in peace with one another and in unbroken fellowship with God. When sin entered the world, the possibility of a relationship with God was lost and needed to be redeemed.

The Psalmist refers to God as his rock and his redeemer. The word redeemer is not one we use much in our everyday conversations, but a redeemer was absolutely necessary for us to return to God. To redeem means to buy back something that was lost. The reason God could “buy us back” is because we belonged to Him in the first place. But there would be a price, a great price. Jesus would redeem us with His very life. 

I am reminded of a story I once heard about a little boy who made a toy sailboat. The sailboat was his pride and joy, but he lost the sailboat when the wind came up while he was sailing his boat on the lake. The boy was heartbroken, but his sailboat was gone. Some time later he was walking past a second-hand store when he saw his beloved sailboat in the store window. The boy worked hard and saved his money until he had  enough to buy back his sailboat. As he left the store holding the boat close to him, he was heard saying, “Little boat, you are twice mine. First you're my boat because I made you, and second you're my boat because I bought you!"

In the words of an unknown African preacher, “When your past is redeemed, your present makes sense and your future is secure.”




He Rescues us from Our Enemies