Share Each Other’s Burdens

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Have you ever been to a hospital nursery and noticed huge rocks strapped to the backs of all the newborns? Of course you haven’t. But the truth is, we all come into this world carrying a burden. We are born with the burden of a sin nature that must be dealt with. But even before you and I were born, God sent His Son into the world to carry the burden of your sin and mine. On the cross, He took on all our sins — past, present, and future. He died and then overcame death so you’ll never have to carry that burden into God’s court. You have been freed from it. This freedom is yours to enjoy the moment you choose to follow Christ.

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he tells the believers to share each other’s burdens. Paul is not talking about the sin burden that Jesus paid the price for, but rather the emotional, physical, and spiritual burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we are reminded of the great price that Jesus paid to carry our burden, it seems a small thing to ask that we share the burdens of those around us. So, how can we carry each other’s burdens in a practical way?

You can carry emotional burdens by encouraging others, by offering moral support, or by just being there for someone who is going through a difficult time emotionally. You can carry physical burdens by offering assistance to those who need physical help. Maybe you could do some shopping for someone who has mobility issues or offer to mow the grass for the elderly in your community. You can pray for those who are physically ill. You can carry spiritual burdens by speaking God’s Word over their situation, by praying for their family members who have lost their way or who don’t know the incredible love of Christ.


A Kingdom of Opposites


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