Sharing a Meal

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” Revelation 3:20

For years I have heard this scripture referred to by pastors and laypeople alike. I remember a picture my mom had of Jesus standing at the door, knocking. I’ve heard that the artist purposefully didn’t paint the doorknob on the outside of the door because we are the ones who must let Jesus in. While all that is true and interesting, I guess I don’t remember anyone ever talking about the last part of that verse where Jesus says, “We will share a meal together as friends.”

Sharing a meal with friends is one of my favorite things to do. Whether we are gathered around the table enjoying a home cooked meal or dining at our favorite restaurant, sharing a meal can be a time of meaningful discussions that strengthen our relationships. Eating with other people can create an atmosphere conducive to connecting with them in a more meaningful way. 

The scripture often talks about people sharing meals together. There are stories of wedding feasts, religious ceremonies and meals with friends. Jesus even fed the multitudes. God uses mealtime throughout scripture to connect people to one another and to Himself. Research shows that eating together is beneficial to our relationships. It can help reduce stress, increase happiness and alleviate depression. 

When we answer the knock at the door and invite Jesus in, it’s like we are sharing a meal with a friend. Take time to connect with Him on a deeper level and strengthen your relationship with Him like you would with a friend over dinner. You will find that the benefits are far greater than even the meals we share with our closest friends. 


Think Before You Speak


It Is Written