Spiritually Bankrupt

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” Matthew 5:3

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus seems to summarize what He taught about the Kingdom of Heaven throughout His ministry. This verse is the introduction to that sermon. Most translations of this verse read, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Jesus uses the idea of financial poverty to draw a comparison. Just as a poor beggar’s physical survival is dependent on those from whom he begs, the same is true of us spiritually. The Kingdom of Heaven is available to those who are spiritually bankrupt, those who realize their spiritual survival is dependent on God.

Our culture seems to teach a different gospel. Culture says we should assert ourselves, stand up for ourselves, take pride in ourselves, promote ourselves, and become self-sufficient. But Jesus’ teaching was often counter-cultural.

We may strive to be spiritually self-sufficient by doing good deeds and striving to be morally upright, but Jesus sets the standard high. In Matthew 5:48 he says, “But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” We will never be perfect until we fully realize how spiritually bankrupt we really are. Entrance into the Kingdom of heaven is not based on our perfection but on Christ’s. There are not enough things we can do to make us right with God.

The thing we need to do is realize our spiritual bankruptcy and our need for God. Jesus says those are the ones God blesses. Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.


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