Standing Guard

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“But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.”  2 Thessalonians 3:3

Nobody likes adversity, but nobody escapes it. While I’m not one to blame everything on the devil, I don’t want to be so naïve as to think he doesn’t exist. The bible has a few names for him including “the evil one” used here by Paul in 2 Thessalonians. He is also referred to as the tempter, the ruler of this world, the god of this age, our adversary, the accuser, the enemy and thief. 

This thief is strategic and has purpose; to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give us a rich and satisfying life (John 10:10). How can we live a rich and satisfying life knowing that we have a real spiritual enemy whose one desire is to take us out? We can live a life filled with hope because Jesus is faithful. He never takes a day off and we are never out from under his watchful eye. He is always present to strengthen us when we have no strength of our own. 

Jesus stands guard over your life. The thief comes to steal, but Jesus came to restore. The thief comes to kill, but Jesus came to give life. The thief comes to destroy, but Jesus came to renew. We may all experience adversity, but through Christ we have the ability to overcome. He is faithful. He will strengthen you. He will guard you from the evil one.


You Can Trust Him


The Narrow Road