The Fear of the Lord

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” Proverbs 31:30

Some women are naturally charming. Their grace and beauty draw people in. It’s a delight to be in their company. They age gracefully. Every year that passes seems to make them more beautiful. 

Then there are those whose charming exteriors hide deceptive motives. Their charm is shallow, and their beauty fades with the passing of time. Their motives are self-serving. Proverbs 31 contrasts these so-called charming women with those who fear the Lord. 

To fear the Lord is to have a deep respect, reverence, and awe for God’s power and authority. The Bible teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pr. 9:10) and a fountain of life (Pr. 14:27). This kind of fear draws us into a place of intimate relationship with God where we can lean into His wisdom and learn to make wise choices and sound decisions.

The one who fears the Lord values the will of the Lord. This one, according to Proverbs, will be greatly praised.


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