Trees and Bees

“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

It’s amazing what human beings are capable of. After witnessing the local wildlife population suffer because of a lack of shade, Jadav Payeng single-handedly planted what has now become a 1,360-acre forest. Gary Schempp safely removed and re-homed 30,000 bees by himself, which is definitely an outstanding achievement. Bees are currently at risk because of colony collapse disorder. Without them, some think it’s questionable whether humans could even survive. Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine, which successfully eradicated an illness that had claimed approximately 500 million lives in the 20th century alone. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. 

We enjoy so many wonders that our ancestors only dreamed about—electricity, running water, air conditioning, and international air travel. But even all the advances in modern science and technology cannot give us victory over sin and death. We may be capable of splitting atoms and mapping the human genome, but we are powerless against the enemy of sin. No wonder Paul exclaims, “Thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

God did for us that which all our modern technology and human intelligence could never do for us. He gave us victory over our sinful nature, defeating our greatest enemy—death itself. We can live in comfort thanks to human intervention, but we can live in eternity thanks to divine intervention. As with Paul, all I can say is, “Thank God!” 


A Constant Supply


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