
“Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:4

Trust is not something you give to someone you don’t know. I would not be very likely to allow a stranger to borrow my car. A car is a valuable possession. How do I know that person is going to take care of my car? Or even return it, for that matter? We become vulnerable when we let someone else have possession of what we value.

Isaiah tells us that we can trust in the Lord always. Obviously, God does not need to borrow my car, but I can trust Him with something much more valuable - my hopes, my dreams, my emotions, my future, my heart, my very life. I can trust God with the things I value the most because He is the eternal Rock. God is not like a shifting shadow. He never changes. His promises are true and His love is everlasting. 

If one of my daughters asked to borrow my car, I would not even hesitate to give her the keys. I know my daughters and I trust them. Likewise, our trust in God must begin with a relationship. He is trustworthy, but don’t just take my word for it. Dig into His Word to discover the truth about the trustworthiness of God. Spend time in His presence and you will know that you can turn the keys of your life over to Him and He will never disappoint you.


Walking the Walk


Our Defender