Why Should I be Afraid?

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“I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” Psalm 56:4

Everyone is afraid of something. I’m not afraid of everything I used to be afraid of, but I have to admit there are a few fears in my life that haven’t completely lost their grip. Getting on an airplane is certainly one of them. Statistically, I am safer on an airplane than in my own car, but tell that to my racing heart and sweaty palms whenever it’s time for that boarding call.

David had plenty to be afraid of. God rejected Saul as king of Israel, and David was anointed in his place. The only problem was Saul was still on the throne. And Saul had it out for David. David lived in Saul’s palace for seven years until Saul tried to pin him to the wall with a spear. David spent the next 4 years on the run, hiding in caves and seeking shelter wherever he could find it while being hunted down by Saul and his men.

David’s enemies were real. When his enemies pressed in against David, David pressed into the Lord his God. With God as His constant companion, David’s fear gave way to trust. He weighed the promises of God against the fear of man and asked himself, “Why should I be afraid?” David looked to God’s word as a reminder that God is greater than our enemies.

Trust in God releases us from our fears. When fear is closing in, remember God’s promises. Look to His word as a reminder of who He is and who you are in Him. Ask yourself, “Why should I be afraid? My God is greater than any enemy I will ever face.”


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