
“Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.” Proverbs 3:7

Have you ever been looking for your phone as you are walking out the door only to discover that you are talking on it? I’ve done some dumb things. Once I locked my keys in the car with the car running and my dog inside. I just happened to be visiting my friend, a mechanic, at his place of business. Fortunately for me, they had just gotten in a new device that unlocks cars.

Sometimes I am a little embarrassed about my own lack of wisdom. Proverbs 3 tells us not to be impressed with our own wisdom. Even when we think we are doing everything right, things can go wrong. We should never trust in our own wisdom, but rather fear the Lord with reverent awe and obedience. His wisdom will guide us through the pitfalls of life and He will be there to get us out of trouble even if we lock our keys (and our dog) in the car.


An Honorable Life


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