God’s Flashlight

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

When I was a teenager my girlfriend and I liked to go camping. As an adult and a mother, I still question how my mom could let two teenage girls venture out alone into the woods and camp. My only explanation is that it was a different time. My girlfriend and I would camp on a small lake that had a path all the way around it. One of our favorite things to do on our campout was to walk around the lake at night.

I can remember walking the path with my friend behind me one night when suddenly we heard something rustling in the brush ahead. We didn’t know if the noise was a snake, a raccoon, or perhaps even a bear. We were both very startled, but I immediately turned the flashlight in the direction of the noise to discover that it was just a small armadillo. My friend got very excited because she had never seen an armadillo before.

The Psalmist writes that God’s Word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. Like the flashlight I was carrying that night, the Word of God quickly reveals any danger that might be in our path. It shows us where to place our foot and leads us safely into all of life‘s adventures.


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