A Gift for You

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“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10

I have a dear friend who seems to be the exact opposite of me in almost every way. We sometimes laugh about it and wonder how in the world we ever became friends. But perhaps it’s those very differences that we find most intriguing. I am idealistic; my friend is realistic. Because of our differences, we keep each other grounded. I help my friend think outside the box and she reminds me that there is a box. 

We have different spiritual gifts as well. I am a teacher; she has the gift of administration. I use my teaching gift to help her expand her knowledge and understating of scripture and she uses her gift of administration to keep me organized and on task. We have both been given our own unique spiritual gifts in order that we may serve God by serving one another. 

God has given you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. He has wired you in a unique way to fulfill His purpose. Your contribution is both distinctive and necessary. I pray that God will give you opportunities to use your gift well to serve others. 


Love Prevails


Christ in You