All We Need is Love

“Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.” Romans 13:8

What would you think if I told you there was a comprehensive solution that would end crime, racism, hate, persecution and all evil? A solution that has the power to radically change the world? Would you be on board with that? At this point you might be thinking I am delusional, but Paul speaks of a such a solution in his letter to the Romans. It’s this crazy little thing the Bible calls love.

It seems so elementary, but if you think about it, it’s impossible to act in love toward other human beings and hurt them at the same time. The solution to every problem we struggle with is this one thing. What would happen if we loved one another the way God loves us? 

Conflict would be resolved. Relationships would be restored. People would feel safe in their homes and in public. We wouldn’t need courts or prisons. All wars would cease. There would be no violence, no child abuse, no robberies, no murder. If only we could teach people how to love and they would do it. 

Paul says that we should consider love our obligation to everyone. That means that every person we come in contact with, we have an obligation to love. Maybe the whole world is not ready to fulfill their obligation, but I believe we could make a huge dent in the problem if all of God’s people actually starting living with the obligation of loving one another in mind. 

If you know Christ, you have what it takes to act in love, even when you come up against difficult people. I challenge you today to live out your obligation to love.


The Good Fight


When You Pray