The Good Fight

“Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

Do you ever struggle to maintain faith? Are there times when you sense that your faith is wavering? That maybe God has forgotten that you are struggling? Our maybe you are fighting hard but you feel that you are just not winning the battles? You are not alone. Every child of God struggles. Paul refers to a life of faith as “the good fight.” 

In the good fight of faith, we often struggle to maintain godly character, reject false doctrines, and learn the fine art of being content. The enemy of your soul would like to see nothing more than for you to compromise your character, to be left of center when it comes to biblical truth, or to always strive for things that are just out of reach. If he can keep you engaged in these things, you will never find the time to be actively involved in advancing the kingdom of God. 

As with any fight, there are opposing sides. There are things in life that will distract you in an attempt to pull you away from living a godly life. Sometimes it seems easier to give in to those things rather than to stand up against them, but the fight for true faith is always worth the struggle. This is why Paul urges Timothy to hold tightly to it.


Kind Words


All We Need is Love