An Upside Down Kingdom

The greatest among you must be a servant. - Matthew 23:11

In order to get the pineapple on top of a pineapple upside-down cake, you have to put it in the bottom of the pan. When the cake is nice and done, you flip the whole thing over so that what should be the bottom of the cake now becomes the top. At first, the Kingdom of God seems like a pineapple upside-down cake. If you want to be first, be last; if you want to have more, give some away; If you want to be great, become a servant.

The truth is, that there are two kingdoms operating in the earth — two value systems. In the first, the kingdom of the world, our significance and worth are found in what we can do for ourselves. In the second, the Kingdom of God, our significance and worth are found in what God has done for us — in the cross of Jesus Christ, in his love, in his sacrifice, in his life exchanged for ours. In the former kingdom, the least serve the greatest. In the latter, the Greatest serves the least.


A Gentle Answer


An Invitation