Come and See

“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.” Matthew 28:6 

Having been placed in the tomb just before the sabbath, there was no time to prepare Jesus’ body for burial. Two devoted women, both named Mary, were among Jesus’ closest friends. Early Sunday morning they made their way to the tomb for one last private moment with him as they would pour on the oil and spices and prepare his body for burial. 

Can you imagine the shock and wonder the two Marys experienced when they arrived? Instead of a body, they found an empty tomb. Sitting atop the stone which had been rolled away was an angel clad in brilliant white, his face shining like lightning. He spoke these words of comfort and hope to the women. “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.” Then he invited them to come and see. 

God doesn’t just tell us about his plan and purpose, he invites us in to experience it. When Philip met Jesus, he knew that he was the promised Messiah. He urged his friend, Nathanial, to “Come and see.” When the woman at the well had an encounter with Jesus, she ran home to her fellow villagers and invited them to “Come and see.” 

God is inviting you in. Come and see. Come and see what will happen when you share your faith with others. Come and see how your life can change by spending time in his word. Come and see how much closer you will be drawn to Him through prayer. 

The invitation is open. The choice is yours. Will you come and see? 


The Way


While We Were Still Sinners