
“The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19:7 

Advances in technology, the availability of scanning and printing devices, and the adoption of the U.S. dollar by other nations as legal tender have compounded the problem of counterfeiting U.S. currency. To the uninformed observer, a counterfeit bill could easily be passed off as the real deal. There are a few things you can look for to avoid tell-tale signs of a counterfeited bill such as checking for color-shifting ink and a thin, imbedded strip known as a security thread. 

Like counterfeit currency, there is a lot of Bible teachings and practices being passed off as the real deal these days. This is not a new concept. Paul speaks in his second letter to the Thessalonians of one who will come with “counterfeit power and signs and miracles.” (2 Thess. 2:9) and in his second letter to Timothy of those who have a “counterfeit faith.” (2 Tim. 3:8)

Not knowing the truth of the Word of God puts us at risk of accepting a counterfeit gospel. When we dive into the depths of God’s law (the Bible), we discover His truth, His goodness, and His wisdom. His reasoning begins to shape our own. The best way to recognize error is to have a good understanding of the truth. The Word of God is the only standard of truth. 

David reminds us here in Psalm 19 that God’s law (His Word) is perfect. It flies straight as an arrow and does not deviate. The testimony of the Lord is sure. It is true in principle and verifiable in life’s situations. And best of all, it has the power to take a simple person and make him wise. Don’t be an uninformed observer. Know the Word of God and allow His truth to shape your reasoning so that you will always be able to spot a counterfeit. 


Good Treasure


Don’t Forget