His Very Own Children

“But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children.” Galatians 4:4-5

Social media undoubtedly has its qualms, but it has offered me a glimpse into the lives of several people I would have otherwise lost contact with completely over the years. For example, even though we really rarely communicate, I have followed the posts of a couple that I went to high school with. One thing that stands out to me is that they have adopted several children over the years — at least nine that I know of. 

I admire them so much for giving the gift of family to these precious little ones. No one understands the concept of adopting someone as their very own children better than they do. 

I don’t know much about adoption, but I do know that there are a few things that are not negotiable when it comes to adoption.

#1. Adoption is costly. There are enormous costs in adopting children. The costs may be financial or emotional. You will give your lifetime for the child you are adopting. You never stop being a parent. Jesus paid the ultimate price when He literally gave His life for us. Our adoption cost Him everything so that we could become the children of God.

#2. Adoption must be legal. Many legal transactions must take place before a child can be an official member of the family. The law of God demanded that a price be paid for our sin. Righteousness was the legal requirement and God satisfied this requirement with the life, death, and resurrection of HIs Son. 

#3. Adoption is deeply personal. Adopted children are chosen, loved and accepted. They will bear the moral and spiritual image of the family who adopt them. God has adopted us. We are chosen, loved and accepted. As children of God, we can be transformed by the Spirit of God to bear the moral and spiritual image of the family of God.

I am thankful for the sacrifices my high school friends made and are making for the children they chose to adopt, and I am thankful for the sacrifice God made to adopt me into his family. Like those little children, I now have a place at the table in God’s house where I will always be welcomed and forever loved.



A Light Will Shine


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