
“The greatest among you must be a servant.” Matthew 23:11

Do you ever feel like a small fish in a big pond? You look around and the problems and needs in the world seem overwhelming. And they are getting bigger every day. Perhaps you have even asked yourself, “How can I make a difference?” 

The problem is we think we have to do something newsworthy to make an impact. You go to the Good News Network and read heartwarming stories of heroism like “Nearly Retired Couple Adopts 7 Siblings Who Just Lost Their Parents” and you think, “I could never do that.” And so we do nothing at all. 

While the dramatic stories of love and service do change the world, you don’t have to be a newsmaker to be a world changer.  Every one of our stories is made up of a series of small acts of kindness and service by others that have made us the people we are today. 

A kind or encouraging word can boost someone’s self-esteem and actually change the direction of their life. A small act of kindness can help restore someone’s faith in humanity, impacting them in a great way. You might be a small fish in a big pond, but greatness in the kingdom of God is not measured by making headlines. It’s measured by serving others. 


When You Pray

