
Heart Check (1).png

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10

Call me crazy if you will, but I really enjoy painting. I’m not talking about painting works of art, although I like doing that kind of painting as well. I’m talking about the “blank canvas” of a room in need of painting. For one thing, I enjoy seeing a room transformed in a few short hours by something as inexpensive as a brush and a bucket of paint. But I think what I like most about painting is the stillness. 

Although painting can be quite physical—up and down ladders, cleaning brushes, moving drop cloths and such—for me it’s a time that I can experience mental and emotional stillness. Actually sitting still can be challenging for me because my attention seems to be scattered in a dozen different directions, but when I am putting paint on a wall, I somehow have the ability to still the chaos that goes on inside my head. And once the chaos is quieted, I am more aware of the presence of God. While my hands are at task, my heart is focused on who God is, His love, His forgiveness, His provision and His promises. I have some of my best quiet times with God while I am painting. 

Maybe painting isn’t your thing. Maybe you’re better at physically being still than me, but regardless the circumstance, God is beckoning us to be still and know that He is God. Shut down the electronics, turn off the news, take a walk, paint a room. But don’t miss the opportunity to still your heart before God and take in His greatness. Give Him that place of honor in your life.




No Fool