No Need to Worry

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34

You’ve probably heard a mom, aunt, or grandma say, “Don’t borrow trouble.” Well, turns out Grandma was right. Yet, how many of us have been guilty of borrowing trouble? Or worrying about something that may never come to pass?

In this verse, Jesus points out that today will have trouble and tomorrow will have things to worry about. That may give you cause for concern, but notice this verse begins with the little word, “so.”  The word “so” is used to summarize. It’s the beginning of a concluding thought. When we see the word “so,” we have to look back and see what it is there for. What hope is Jesus giving us that would assure us that worry is not necessary?

First of all, Jesus says that we are to store our treasures in heaven. (Mt. 6:19) We shouldn’t worry about earthly provision. Obviously, there is no heavenly bank account to which we can make deposits, but we can treasure people made in God’s image by our words and deeds. We can deposit our lives into God’s care and seek to do His will. Moth and rust cannot touch these treasures and no enemy can steal them.  

Jesus also says that our eye is like a lamp that provides light for the body. (Mt. 6:22) Have you ever known someone who is constantly complaining and never able to see the bright side? When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.  A healthy perspective can be a game changer. 

Finally, Jesus says that no one can serve two masters. (Mt. 6:24) You cannot serve God and be enslaved to the things of this world — particularly money. God wants to be our provision. After all, there’s nothing that we currently have that did not come through His grace and providence 

Jesus says we should not worry about everyday life. He makes His point by reminding us that God shelters the sparrows and clothes the flowers. He encourages us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Trust God. Seek Him first and He will provide the things you need. So no need to worry.


Something to Think About


Stand Tall